Sol is working and thinking architectonically—remembering and exposing thereby the classical craft of interior architecture to the sun. Not accommodating but being open for abstraction, the hot topics and the contingency of our daily life, the Studio proposes ‘solar-vernaculars’ as a means to build a home in today’s world; poetic, rich, and yet casual and lightweight—original spaces, objects and life, human and non-human, not native to the ground but native to the sky.
The Studio acts within the change of the seasons in cycles of one extended solar day; from night to sunrise, to high-sun and sunset Sol directs courses ◓, writes ◑, conversates ◒ and more ◐.
Gabi Schillig
Kristupas Sabolius
Vera Bühlmann
How to live?
The sun is Sol's capital, the database, and the seasons its motor; spring and summer, fall and winter, characteristics of weather, qualities of light, daily rituals; fashions, temperaments, visions and memories—times of action full of right moments.
Studio SOL was a research and teaching collaboration between the architects Georg Fassl and Indrė Umbrasaitė (2019-2021).
It was founded at the Department for Architecture Theory and Philosophy of Technics, Vienna University of Technology.
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© Studio SOL